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เลขเรียกหนังสือJC423 .N484 2021
ผู้แต่งNewton, Kenneth. (3)
ชื่อเรื่องFoundations of Comparative Politics : Democracies of the Modern World / Kenneth Newton and Jan W. Van Deth
พิมพลักษณ์Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2021
จำนวนหน้าxxi, 431 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm.
ชื่อชุดCambridge textbooks in comparative politics. (2)
หมายเหตุบรรณานุกรมIncludes bibliographical references and index.
หมายเหตุสารบัญIntroduction -- Part I. The State: Origins and Development : 1. The development of the modern state -- 2. States and democracy -- 3. Democratic change -- Part II. The Policy: Structures and Institutions : 4. Constitutions -- 5. Presidential and parliamentary government -- 6. Multi-level government: international, national and sub-national -- 7. Policy making and legislating: executives and legislatures -- 8. Implementation: the public bureaucracy -- Part III. Citizens, Elites and Interest Meditation : 9. Political attitudes and behaviour -- 10. Pressure groups and social movements -- 11. The media -- 12. Voters and elections -- 13. Party government -- Part IV. Policies and Performance : 14. Political ideologies -- 15. Policy making -- 16. Public speaking and public policies -- 17. The future of the democratic state
สาระสังเขปNow in its fourth edition, this textbook gives a clear and concise account of the government and politics of democratic states, comprehensively updated with recent developments. It provides an ideal guide for undergraduate students who want to understand how and why democratic systems differ between countries and how they are changing in the modern world. It is written and structured in an easy to follow style, enabling students to gain a thorough understanding of the explanations behind complex ideas and theories. The 'Briefings' and 'Controversies' sections give life to the analyses with illustrations drawn from around the globe, whilst its 'Key Term' entries provide students with a route through the concepts of political science. The fourth edition has been fully revised to reflect recent changes in political attitudes and behaviour, voting, parties, party systems and ideologies. The final chapter addresses the future of democratic states facing with these changes and challenges, by examining democratic crisis, populism and post-democracy.
หัวเรื่องDemocracy. (240)
 Comparative government. (84)
 Representative government and representation. (40)
รายการเพิ่มผู้แต่งDeth, Jan W. van. (4)


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