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ชื่อเรื่อง 1 - 19 of 19

1 JK31 .H86 2017 oAmerican democracy in peril : eight challenges to America's future / William E. Hudson.
2 JK276 .B65 2019 oAnalyzing American democracy : politics and political science / Jon R. Bond, Kevin B. Smith.
3 JK1764 .C5267 oCivil society, democracy, and civic renewal / edited by Robert K. Fullinwider.
4 JK1726 .A23 2016 oDemocracy for realists : why elections do not produce responsive government / Christopher H. Achen, Larry M. Bartels.
5 JK1726 .K67 2016 oDemocracy in decline : rebuilding its future / Philip Kotler.
6 HJ2051 .G54 2016 oDemocracy reinvented : participatory budgeting and civic innovation in America / Hollie Russon Gilman.
7 JK1726 .J35 2022 oDemocracy Under Fire : Donald Trump and the Breaking of American History / Lawrence R. Jacobs
8 JK1764 .G76 1995 oThe electronic republic : reshaping democracy in the information age / Lawrence K. Grossman
9 JK1764 .F5 2003 oThe Fight is for democracy : winning the war of ideas in America and the world / edited and with an introduction by George Packer
10 Electronic Book oLegitimizing authority : American government and the promise of equality / Boris Vormann and Christian Lammert ; translated by Susan H. Gillespie.
11 Electronic Book oThe loud minority : why protests matter in American democracy / Daniel Q. Gillion.
12 JK2281 .N484 oThe mass marking of politics: democracy in an age of manufactured images / Bruce I.Newman
13 JC423 .D52 2014 oThe people’s government : an introduction to democracy / Del Dickson.
14 JK1764 .P83 oPublic policy for democracy / Helen Ingram,Steven Rathgeb Smith,editors
15 HQ799.2.P6 .H37 2018 oRenewing Democracy in Young America / Daniel Hart and James Youniss
16 JK468.P64 .G87 2014 oThe spirit of compromise : why governing demands it and campaigning undermines it / Amy Gutmann and Dennis Thompson.
17 JK1764 .F53 oThe voice of the people: public opinion and democracy / James S.Fishkin
18 Electronic Book oWhen democracy trumps populism : European and Latin American lessons for the United States / edited by Kurt Weyland, Ral L. Madrid.
19 JC423 .G9255 oWhy deliberative democracy? / Amy Gutmann and Dennis Thompson.

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