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ISBN9780197556481 (ebook) : No price
เลขเรียกหนังสือElectronic Book
ผู้แต่งTalisse, Robert B., author.
ชื่อเรื่องSustaining democracy : what we owe to the other side / Robert B. Talisse.
จำนวนหน้า1 online resource (184 pages).
ชื่อชุดOxford scholarship online (12)
หมายเหตุทั่วไปAlso issued in print: 2021.
หมายเหตุบรรณานุกรมIncludes bibliographical references and index.
สาระสังเขปDemocracy is not only a form of government. It is also the moral aspiration for a society of self-governing political equals who disagree about politics. Citizens are called on to be active democratic participants, but they must also acknowledge one another's political equality. Democracy thus involves an ethic of civility among opposed citizens. Upholding this ethic is more difficult than it may look. When the political stakes are high, the opposition seems to us to be advocating injustice. Sustaining Democracy poses the question: why should we uphold democratic relations with those whose politics we despise?
หัวเรื่องCitizenship. (52)
 Political participation. (59)
 Opposition (Political science)
 Equality. (35)
 Polarization (Social sciences) -- Political aspects.
 Democracy. (240)
 Electronic books. (320)
URL ObjectEbook


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