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เลขเรียกหนังสือHV9304 .V34 2015
ชื่อเรื่องValues in criminology and community justice / edited by Malcolm al.
พิมพ์ครั้งที่1st ed.
พิมพลักษณ์Bristol : Policy Press, 2015.
จำนวนหน้าxiv, 394 p. ; 23 cm.
หมายเหตุบรรณานุกรมIncludes bibliographical references and index.
หมายเหตุสารบัญSection One: Values of criminological theories -- 1. Judging offenders: the moral implications of criminological theories / Simon Cottee -- 2. Postmodernism and criminological thought: 'Whose science? Whose knoledge?' / Liz Austen with Malcolm Cowburn -- 3. Marxist criminology: whose side, which values? / David Moxon -- 4. A contemporary reflection on feminist criminology: whose side are we on? /Victoria Lavis and Tammi Walker -- 5. Bringing the boys back home: re-engendering criminology / Anthony Elis and Maggie Wykes -- 6. Nwe 'racisms' and prejudices? The criminalisation of 'Asian' / Sunita Toor -- 7. The valus(s) of culural criminology / James Banks and David Moxon -- 8. Justifyin 'green' criminology: values and 'taking sides' in an ecologically informed social science / Gary R. Potter -- Section Two: Values in criminal justice -- 9. A moral in the story? Virtues, values and desistance from crime / Fergus McNeill and Farrall -- 10. The value of values in probation practice? / Jean Henderson -- 11. Developments in police education in England and Wales: values, culture and 'common-sense' policing / Craig Paterson and Ed Pollock -- 12. Race, religion and human rights: valuable lessons from prison / Muzammil Quraishi -- 13. Teh public-private divide: which side is criminal justice on? / Stephen Riley -- 14. Working with victims: values and validations / Marian Duggan -- 15. Money as the measure of man: values and value in the politics of reparation / Claire Moon -- Section Three: Values in research, policy and practice -- 16. The emperor's new clothes: can big society deliver criminal justice? / Kevin Wong -- 17. What's valuable, what's valued in today's youth justice? / Anne Robinson -- 18. Economic values and evidence: evaluating criminal justice policy / Kavin Albertson, Katherine Albertson, Chris Fox and Dan Ellingworth -- 19. Reflections on values and ethics in narrative inquiry with (ex-)offenders / Paula Hamilton and Katherine Albertson -- 20. Working with different values: extermism, hate and sex crimes / Malcolm Cowburn, Marian Duggan and Ed Pollock -- 21. Value for money? The politics of contract research / Paul Senior.
หัวเรื่องCommunity-based corrections. (2)
 Criminology. (2)
 Criminal justice, Administration of. (7)
รายการเพิ่มผู้แต่งCowburn, Malcolm.


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