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เลขเรียกหนังสือHM621 .H34 2022
ผู้แต่งHan, Byung-Chul. (2)
ชื่อเรื่องHyperculture : Culture and Globalization / Byung-Chul Han ; Translated by Daniel Steuer
พิมพลักษณ์Cambridge, UK ; Medford, MA : Polity Press, 2022
จำนวนหน้าvi, 98 pages ; 21 cm.
หมายเหตุบรรณานุกรมIncludes bibliographical references.
หมายเหตุสารบัญTourist in a Hawaiian Shirt -- Culture as Home -- Hypertext and Hyperculture -- The Eros of Interconnectedness -- Fusion Food -- Hybrid Culture -- The Hyphenization of Culture -- The Age of Comparison The De-Auratization of Culture -- Pilgrims and Tourists -- Windows and Monads -- Odradek -- Hypercultural Identity -- Interculturality, Multiculturality, and Transculturality -- Appropriation -- On Lasting Peace -- Culture of Friendliness -- Hyperlogue -- The Wanderer -- Threshold
สาระสังเขปIn the wake of globalization, cultural forms of expression have become increasingly detached from their places of origin, circulating in a hyper-domain of culture where there is no real difference anymore between indigenous and foreign, near and far, the familiar and the exotic. Heterogeneous cultural contents are brought together side by side, like the fusion food that makes free use of all that the hypercultural pool of spices, ingredients and ways of preparing food has to offer. Culture is becoming un-bound, un-restricted, un-ravelled: a hyperculture. It is a profoundly rhizomatic culture of intense hybridization, fusion and co-appropriation. Today we have all become hypercultural tourists, even in our ‘own’ culture, to which we do not even belong anymore. Hypercultural tourists travel in the hyperspace of events, a space of cultural sightseeing. They experience culture as cul-tour.
 Drawing on thinkers from Hegel and Heidegger to Bauman and Homi Bhabha to examine the characteristics of our contemporary hyperculture, Han poses the question: should we welcome the human of the future as the hypercultural tourist, smiling serenely, or should we aspire to a different way of being in the world?
หัวเรื่องCulture and globalization -- Philosophy.
 Culture and globalization. (5)
รายการเพิ่มผู้แต่งSteuer, Daniel.


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