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เลขเรียกหนังสือHB201 .P55 2021
ผู้แต่งPitts, Frederick Harry.
ชื่อเรื่องValue / Frederick Harry Pitts
พิมพ์ครั้งที่1st ed.
พิมพลักษณ์Cambridge, UK : Polity Press, 2021
จำนวนหน้า168 pages ; 22 cm.
ชื่อชุดWhat is political economy? (5)
หมายเหตุบรรณานุกรมIncludes bibliographical references and index.
หมายเหตุสารบัญIntroduction -- Value as Substance -- Value as Relation -- Value as Utility -- Value and Institutions -- Value as Struggle -- Value in Crisis
สาระสังเขปValue seems like an elusive and abstract concept. Nonetheless, notions of value underpin how we understand our lives, from discussions about the economic contribution of different kinds of work and productive activity, to the prices we pay for the things we consume. So what is value, and where does it come from? In this new book, Frederick Harry Pitts charts the past, present and future of value within and beyond capitalist society, critically engaging with key concepts from classical and neoclassical political economy. Interrogating the processes and practices that attribute value to objects and activities, he considers debates over whether value lies within commodities or in their exchange, the politics of different theories of value, and how we measure value in a knowledge-based economy. This accessible and intriguing introduction to the complexities of value in modern society will be essential reading for any student or scholar working in political economy, economics, economic sociology or management.
 Economics. (12)


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